Case Study Article
Publish a case study article to share your success stories and demonstrate how your product or service can help organizations achieve their objectives.
The Case Study Article Includes
Use eLearning Industry to tout your solutions and attract a new qualified audience.
Increase your website traffic by adding backlinks (no-follow) within your case study articles.
Your published Case Study can be found under your company listing.
Our digital marketing team will promote your Case Study effectively through our weekly and daily newsletters and social media networks, which account for more than 800,000 followers.
SEO by eLI’s SEO experts.
The ideal length is between 1,000–1,500 words.
How It Works
Book your publication date.
YouUpload your case study article (ideal length is between 1,000–1,500 words) eight (8) business days before the chosen publication date. We highly recommend checking eLI’s article submission guidelines before you start writing.
YouYour case study article will be reviewed by our editorial team and then sent to our SEO experts, who will increase the SEO value of your article.
eLIWhen the case study article is ready, we will publish it on eLearning Industry.
eLIOur marketing team will promote your case study article on eLI’s homepage and through our social media channels and weekly newsletter.