What Are Measurable Business Goals And Why Is Tracking Them Essential?
When we talk about measurable business goals, we usually refer to goals that are S.M.A.R.T. This acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based, or, in other words, the five characteristics that guarantee the achievement of a goal. But why is goal setting and tracking so important? First of all, having a common agenda helps employees know what they are working towards and align their efforts for maximum results. At the same time, it makes them feel involved in the growth and development of their company, which boosts their engagement and productivity. When it comes to management, goal setting gives them a solid reference point against which they can assess their employees' performance. Finally, they can make informed decisions about future organizational goals based on data and metrics.

6 Tips To Set Measurable Business Goals And Keep Track Of Their Progress
1. Identify Your Goals And Objectives
Naturally, the first step in this process is deciding which goals your organization will strive for. You can be as detailed as you want, noting down goals you want to achieve in the next few months or even years. Once you have a complete list, make sure to prioritize them by importance so that you know where to start. Goal setting is a very important process for businesses, which is why you need to have an open discussion with your team and gather their feedback. This way, you'll be certain that all goals have a purpose that aligns with the overall company vision and mission.
2. Break Them Up Into Smaller Tasks
Most business goals need to be broken down into smaller subgoals to actually be achievable. For example, if one of your goals is increasing lead conversion, you will need to think about the distinct steps that will get you there, from updating your marketing strategy to offering your employees additional mobile training on specific sales skills. Having these smaller steps to conquer gives you a pathway you can easily follow and keep track of. This way, you can clearly see your progress and stay motivated until you complete all steps.
3. Set Reasonable Deadlines
Having a set of goals and objectives to complete is a great first step, but it's not enough to ensure their successful completion. You also need something to create a sense of urgency and motivation, and usually, the best way to achieve that is by assigning a deadline. Having a specific time limit helps you better prioritize your tasks as well as hold yourself accountable when you fall off schedule. Although deadlines are necessary, it's important to be reasonable about them. Take into consideration your other responsibilities so that you don't end up overwhelmed and pressured to accomplish a goal in an amount of time that is far too short to be realistic.
4. Decide Which Metrics To Keep Track Of
Identifying metrics is an essential part of setting measurable goals, as they give you a reference point against which to assess your progress. Metrics differ for each company since they are heavily dependent on the targets they are associated with. They could be anything from employee satisfaction levels, turnover rates, new product launches, lead conversion rates, and countless others. Setting metrics and then forgetting about them is certainly not the way to go. To avoid missing any important data, it's crucial that you determine how often you will return to check on them. Whether it is monthly or quarterly, being consistent will ensure that you know what promotes or hinders your success at all times.
5. Leverage Goal-Tracking Tools
Tackling a full schedule and keeping track of how your goals are progressing can be hard work. For this reason, we advise you to invest in some tools to take some of the load off your shoulders. KPI tools are a great solution because they allow you to log all your goals and their separate subtasks, assign them to people in your company, and keep track of their completion rates. Such solutions will also give you a heads-up when deadlines are approaching, helping you stay on track. Finally, their analytics and reporting features will give you valuable insights that you can use to achieve your goals faster.
6. Establish A Reward System
Celebrating big or small achievements in the workplace is of utmost importance for employee engagement and morale. Therefore, it's essential that you acknowledge and reward employees when they fulfill or exceed the expectations you have set for them. Rewards can come in any form, from a word of encouragement or a shout-out in the company communication platform to an extra day off. No matter what you choose, your employees will feel that their hard work and dedication are appreciated and taken into consideration. In addition, a reward system could nudge other employees to try their best and boost their productivity.
What If Your Goals Haven’t Been Reached?
There may be instances where you fall short of your goals, but that doesn’t mean you need to scrap your entire initiative. Solution-based learning allows you to go back and revise when needed so that your content is always relevant and purpose-driven. You’re able to analyze why the goals haven’t been reached and how you can fine-tune your program in order to achieve best results. It’s also wise to periodically reevaluate your goals to ensure that they still align with your objectives and organizational needs, especially if there have been industry shifts or changes within your corporate infrastructure.
Goal setting is the building block of any successful business, giving form to the company vision and providing employees with a clear path to follow. However, not everyone knows the right way to set goals that are realistic and achievable. The secrets we shared in this article will help you figure out the best way to set measurable goals and successfully keep track of their progress. By following them, you will undoubtedly be able to create a common front that strives for the same results.
Download the eBook Beginning At The End: How Solution-Based Learning Can Transform Your L&D Program And Prove Your ROI today to discover how you can leverage the solution-based approach to achieve your objectives and make your eLearning development process more problem-centered. You can also listen to the eLearning Unscripted podcast today to delve deeper into the solution-based strategy and all the benefits it has to offer.